Sunday 10 January 2010


Durant esl ultims dies del meu embaras, estava tan avorrida que ja no sabia que fer. Ho tenia tot preparat, tot net, tot endrec,at! Nomes faltava que la Hana arrives. Vaig anar a la biblioteca local i vaig trobar aquest llibre. D'aqui van sortir aquest lloro i aquesta zebra, que fan companyia a la meva nina preferida que vaig fer quan tenia 10 anys. Un dia d'aquests intentare treure'n els patrons i li fare un germana.
Despres, com sempre, la meva imaginacio es va disparar i van sortir altres petits projectes que ja ensenyare mes endavant...

During the last days of my pregnancy I was so bored that I didn't know what else to do! I had everything ready, everything tidy, everything clean...Only Hana needed to be there! So I went to the local library and I found this book, from which the parrot and the zebra came out. Now they're good company for my favorite doll that I made when I was 10. One of these days I'll try to figure out the pattern and make her a little sister!

After that, as always, my imagination started to blossom and more little projects came to my mind which I'll show next time...

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